Tuesday, November 27, 2007


i'm going to try to keep from saying more
i’m sorry secrets aren’t my forte
i haven’t got the power to ignore
the things my heart keeps wanting me to say

i’m sorry secrets aren’t my forte
i’ve other strengths designed to compensate
the things my heart keeps wanting me to say
fueling constant heart and mind debate

i’ve other strengths designed to compensate
my inability to shut my mouth
fueling constant heart and mind debate
somehow shutting both and neither out

my inability to shut my mouth
my aptitude for saying what i mean
somehow shutting both and neither out
losing purpose somewhere inbetween

my aptitude for saying what i mean
i haven’t got the power to ignore
losing purpose somewhere inbetween
i’m going to try to keep from saying more

*: for the poetry novices [don't worry, i was one about three weeks ago too] this form is what you call a pantoum. i hope you enjoyed it.

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