Wednesday, February 13, 2008


i'd like to think i'm somewhat of a trendsetter. i try to stay ahead of the curve, two steps ahead of the game, keep the kids on their toes... you know how we do. everybody does that whole cliché hum-drum run-of-the-mill single-shmuck-depressed-on-valentine's-day thing! i'm an innovator, dang it. so while you bozos are wasting your woes this february 14th, i'm gonna save up all my angst for april 25th -- arbor day.

on arbor day, i'm gonna bunker down with a pint or two of haagen daaz and watch 'the notebook' ["if you're a bird, i'm a bird!"]. i'm gonna bust out my copy of pride and prejudice and remember that jane austen based it her own tale of love except that she had to fabricate a happy ending because her love story didn't pan out and she died alone. i'll be putting out a big green-thumbs-DOWN while i dwell on the massive injustice of the legit girl to legit guy ratio and the ridiculous disparity therein. while all those hippies are out there planting their trees, my ass is gonna be planted on my couch pouting about all the almosts, near misses, never haves and never wills.

in the meantime, valentine's is gonna be a blast! me and annie are gonna grab dinner at my favorite korean restaurant and watch a movie that is sure to be a major contender at next year's academy awards: step up 2 - to the streets. and if you think that i'm the type of girl that would dance shamelessly in the middle a crowded movie theater, well... you're right. i am that type of girl. hollaaaaaaa!!!

so hop on the bandwagon and have a happy valentine's days, guys and dolls! this arbor day's gonna be a doozy.


Anonymous said...

+10 for thumbing your nose at Valentine's Day and all the silliness in how people view us singles. Strut your prehensile tails with pride! ...but -9 for taking it out on Arbor Day. Geez. The trees are out there making it worth living around here despite the 364 days of gray. What'd they ever do to you??

=) Daniel

its__deluxe__son said...

You are so very awesome... Please tell me if Step Up 2 is good, I don't think I will be able to get Megan to go see it with me.

jHong said...

step up 2 wasn't good... it was EPIC!

definitely worth watching. i almost challenged a stranger to a battle in the aisle, but i could sense he wasn't ready to get SERVED! booyah.